Monday, January 30, 2012

To be a child again with the characters of To Kill a MockingBird

I don't have many childhood stories of my neighborhood considering I kept mostly to myself, still do. I enjoy being around people but don't enjoy the initial meeting. But Jean Finch,Scout, from To Kill a Mockingbird I feel we'd be good friends. We're both adventurous but at the same time wary of what could happen. Love to read and a bit of a tomboy at heart. Jem seems as if he would be a bit of a buster and we'd prolly but heads because I like to be in control too but I would've play with him too. Dill would be no problem either. And if they wouldn't want us to play with them we could play war or pull pranks on one another. It would be a fun positive experience pulling myself out of my individual corner.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

The manual that never came

In life there is no instruction manual, though sometimes our parents probably wish for one and there are times we do as well. I think it'd be impossible for one because we all are different in our own way. But there are guidlines we can follow.
Ms.Mary Olives wrote:
"Instructions for living a life. Pay attention. Be astonished. Tell about it."
There's also the quote 'Dance like no one's watching. Love like you've never been hurt. Sing like no one's listening. and Live like heaven is on earth."
I agree with hers and like both of them but have my own variation i go by.
Instructions for life; mine:
Pay attention to the world around you, catching every detail. You never know what you can find.
Take in your moments and memories and cherish them.
Your past is over don't regret but learn from it.
Find enjoyment in what you do if not, finish and find what does.
No one is normal and if they are you don't want to be. Be yourself unique as that may be. And except others for their differences as well.
Learn something new everyday.