Friday, October 7, 2011

"You can complain roses have thorns, or you can rejoice because thorns have roses" - Ziggy

Life will be how you perceive it. If you perceive it negative and just see the 'thorns' of life then life is looked through 'dirty' lenses and your not as pleased. But if you see it positively, that such an ugly painful thing can have such a beautiful thing on top (the flower) then you see life in a brighter better way. It's better to see that beautiful things can come out of ugly rather then ugly things ruin beautiful things. How we look at life is our choice but it's proven even trying to look at things in a better way changes how feel for the better. In the terms 'beautiful' and 'ugly' it doesn't just have to be how things look it can be how things feel and act too.
So see the flower as beauty and instead of the thorns being a bad thing view them as a protector for it's beauty.

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